Friday, February 11, 2011

Blog Lovefest Part III

Since I did my LiveBridge posts way back when as a trilogy, I have decided to do the same with my Blog Lovefest posts. So following is the final in this series. Since I follow so many blogs I obviously may direct you to more in the future but it will be under (a) different title(s).

For my final Lovefest post I have picked a blog that is called One Year of Rapid Fire Change ( ) This is a blog by a guy named Michael Thiessen. He now lives in British Columbia but was previously an Albertan like me. He was born here and grew up on various farms as the child of Mennonites. His blog is meant to be a chronicle of 2011.

Even though the year in question is 2011, he actually started it with two posts on December 31st, 2010. These posts were meant to provide the background for what is essentially a one post a day blog diary. So far, as I have just found his site, I have mainly read his introductory posts. But they really set the stage for what appears to be quite an interesting journey. I encourage you to read it.

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